Registro Asistido

by AforeAzteca



With the new Afore Azteca Assisted Registration App,you as an authorized Advisor, you can Register yourclients that do not yet have Afore in Afore Azteca.To be a Pre-Authorized Advisor you must firsthave registered in the systems of Afore Azteca,where you will be assigned a user number and apassword to use this App.If your client already has an Aforeyou must address it with an Agent Promoter ofAfore at any Banco Azteca branch.Now you can advise your clients and help themperform your Registration procedure in a Quick way,Easy and Safe1- Advise your client on the basic concepts of theirAfore account and the benefits Afore hasAztec.2- Identify it by registering your CURP, telephone and aemail.3- Ask him to take a Sefie, photograph hisofficial identification4- Show him the contract and the Document ofNet returns.5- Record a short video of him where he manifests hiswillingness to carry out the procedure and registerhome.And ready !!!Your client can already have the benefits of AforeAzteca and have control of your Afore account.